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Covid-19 Food DriveFrom March to May of 2020 the United States saw the highest jump in unemployment ever recorded. We knew how hard it would be to support a family during these hard times. We wanted to help these people in need by trying to collect food that could be donated to the food bank. Most people wanted to donate to help the same cause but during the time of a pandemic it was a risk that most didn't want to put themselves through which is why we brought the drive to them. We raised interest by spreading the message on social media and posting flyers on mailboxes. At the end of out 4 hour food drive we raised over 200 pounds of food that went straight to the the Contra Costa Food Bank.
Mask Creation and DistributionAs the Coronavirus pandemic transmissions had started to spread, the CDC recommended that everyone wear a face covering when leaving there house. This led to the shortage of medical masks for first responders and essential workers, which made the CDC start recomending people to wear cloth or stitched homemade masks. This is when we knew we could help our community in yet another way. We looking over the internet and found materials to stitch masks. After recieving the materials every team member stitched 8-10 masks with sewing machines that we already had. We had made about 70 masks that we then washed and individually packaged in zip-locks. We then went to a local farmers market to distribute these masks. We completely ran out of masks in 45 minutes and we helped up to 60 people stay safe during the pandemic. We calculated the price of each mask and it came out to be 72 cents which is a great unit price compared to the $5-7 at retail stores.
A.C.T Covid-ToolAs the Coronovirus pandemic started spreading more rapidly people were forced to stay home, but obviously people had to eventually start going back to work and returning to their normal life especially if they did not have the luxury of working from home or having a constant income. As people started to return to work we wanted to help them by trying to reduce contact on surfaces. So we tried to make a took that could eliminate pushing/pulling doors, pressing buttons, or locking/unlocking doors. There are tools like this already being sold by bigger companies but these tools cost about 20 dollars and we wanted to make one with lego parts that most people had. We called it the All-purpose Covid Tool aka the A.C.T. We spread the tool on are social media platforms where we can reach people in all parts of the country.